P.zza Dell'Abate 1, 73039 Tricase


SIGNS. Youth, Memory and Poverty in Europe

SIGNS. Youth, Memory and Poverty in Europe

Where : Tricase (Le) - Puglia - Italy
Kind of Project: Multilateral Youth exchange
Theme: Youth, Memory and Poverty in Europe
Length: 10 days (17 September - 27 September 2013)
Participants number: 16 volunteers (4 per country) and 4 group leaders (1 per country)

This is a young project to promote the cooperation and the gathering of young European people stimulating them to reflect on the concept of poverty in the different cultures of provenience and with a historical research about the conditions of their parents and grandparents. The countries involved (Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece , famous with the acronym of “PIGS”) lives a difficult period of economical and social crisis. Common people is compelled to pay the costs of this situation: unemployment, increase of poverty, emigration, illegality, protests... During the 20th century the older generations faced the same problems but in a totally different context. Young people will works on these differences among cultures and generations.

Objectives of the project:
- Collective reflection upon the concept of poverty in the course of time especially for the countries involved in the project;
- Simplify European dialogue finding common sense of belonging and stimulating intercultural knowledge, communication
skills and creativity;
- Knowlegde about the past social conditions conducting a real group research about it.

Activities of the project:
- Participants will bring something (objects, audio/video, texts, photos, etc ...) remind to the concept of poverty for each
personal or cultural point of view;
- Participants will be motivate to find there a sign linked with the things they brought conducting a kind of survey that could
be conceptual, historical, artistic... depends from their attitude and experience;
- Possibility to explore places, meeting people, conlsulting libraries etc... related to the work topic;
- Group work about a final common outcomes;
- Final event: Public presentation of the activities of the project;
- Creation of a booklet describing the project and each group work as a young point of view on the topic themes.
And also:
- Meetings with local people and artists;
- Visit and discover the town, local people and south Italian culture.

- Not Formal Learning methods;
- Team working;
- Artistic tools (photography, audio/video, poetry and texts, objects, music, drawings …);
- Team-building games and energizers;
- Intercultural Moments.

The project was funded by European Programme "Youth in Action - Action 1.1"

 5904,    17  Ott  2016 ,   Gioventù in azione

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LIQUILAB è un’organizzazione no-profit che nasce dal progetto "Laboratori liquidi sui gap di memorie, ricordi e identità giovanili", e lavora sull’intreccio tra ricerca antropologica, arte e turismo adottando una prospettiva interdisciplinare.

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O.R.S. - Osservatorio Ricerca Sociale. Centro studi, politiche e ricerche sociali.
Piazzetta Dell'Abate,1
73039 Tricase (LE)
Telefono: (+39) 348 34 67 609
Email: infoliquilab@gmail.com

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