P.zza Dell'Abate 1, 73039 Tricase


Camminando nella natura... tra tradizioni, arte e cultura

Camminando nella natura... tra tradizioni, arte e cultura

The project “CAMMINANDO NELLA NATURA... TRA TRADIZIONI, ARTE E CULTURA” - funded by European Program "Youth in Action - Action 1.2" - was designed and built by eight young people and has been implemented in the Town of Tricase (Lecce) and Capo di Leuca during 15 months.

The methods adopted were based on non formal education, active participation, learning by doing. The project was divided into 3 phases:

  1. Preparation of partecipants
    • Trainig group and preparation of 8 young participants to activities. It wanted to stimulate the emergence of partecipants' potentialities through the method of role playing.
  2. Research, Laboratories and Itineraries
    • Research of visual anthropology on territory of Tricase, Castrignano del Capo and Capo di Leuca: selection of 10 ancients to be interviewed. The testimonies provide an intergenerational exchange.
    • Laboratory of active citizenship on traditional activities with the involvement of young and elderly
    • Turistics' itineraries organized by 8 young participants. The itinerar involved the discovery of the memorial sites once populated and popular, and the recovery of traditional activities about Capo di Leuca.
  3. Final valuation, dissemination of results and follow-up
    • The main objectives of the project were: transmission of traditions between older and younger, active citizenship, youth creativity and youth entrepreneurship in the field of culture and tourism.

 5558,    17  Ott  2016 ,   Gioventù in azione

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LIQUILAB è un’organizzazione no-profit che nasce dal progetto "Laboratori liquidi sui gap di memorie, ricordi e identità giovanili", e lavora sull’intreccio tra ricerca antropologica, arte e turismo adottando una prospettiva interdisciplinare.

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73039 Tricase (LE)
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